Saturday, April 3, 2010

Murder Mystery

Before John and I were married, John had roommates that lived with him in this house. We get together once a month and plan dinner and games. This past one was hosted at Jason and Tiffany Pasey's apartment up in Ogden. They planned a murder mystery and sent us invitation on what to where and who we were. It was a blast. I forgot our names (seeing this post is almost a month after the fact), but it was A LOT of fun!

John and I in our costumes -- I was some type of archeologist and John was a philanthopist/actor.

John in action -- these next couple of pictures are John role playing and I have to say he had me cracking up!

This is the group - the ORIGINAL Green House roomies (they morphed as people got married, but these were the originals) Guys from left to right - Jason Pasey (Tiffany, Benjamen), Tyler Laing (Emily), Brian Pearce (Becky), John Butler (Saria, Rhett). We are lifetime friends!
We had so much fun, we are hosting one at our house for John's highschool friends and their wives/girlfriends!